Hi all,
Unfortunately, the time has come. During second half of 2025, the service wn8lab.com will be CLOSED!
We are currently closing the possibility of buying a premium account. All accounts will continue to function as usual and won't expire until the system shutdown.

This was over 10 years of an amazing adventure with World of Tanks and wn8lab.com. I'd like to thank everyone for their cooperation during these years.

Player: kapa_2005

General statistics

User id: User name: Damage per b.: Spot per b.: Winrate: Losserate: Drawrate: Frags per b.: Base Defense per b.: Battles: WN8:
Tank name: Tier: Tank WN8: Damage per b.: Spot per b.: Winrate: Losserate: Drawrate: Frags per b.: Base Defense per b.: Battles:
FCM 3625559757.67 (276.46)0.33 (0.80)66.67% (55.79%)33.33%0.00%3.33 (1.16)0.00 (1.80)3
LT vz. 383797257.25 (315.96)1.88 (1.03)25.00% (53.96%)75.00%0.00%0.25 (0.92)0.00 (1.48)8
Renault FT11130176.00 (213.65)0.00 (1.18)100.00% (56.88%)0.00%0.00%1.00 (1.39)0.00 (1.91)1
BT-532480686.67 (368.34)1.33 (1.80)33.33% (53.76%)66.67%0.00%0.83 (1.04)0.00 (1.30)6
Grille51217570.17 (627.37)0.06 (0.10)59.57% (52.95%)40.43%0.00%0.62 (1.09)0.81 (1.61)47
Hummel6895703.00 (907.37)0.00 (0.07)47.06% (51.45%)52.94%0.00%0.53 (1.02)3.47 (1.32)17
Panzerwagen 393272155.00 (355.28)2.00 (1.22)0.00% (39.99%)100.00%0.00%0.00 (0.81)0.00 (1.52)1
GSOR the TANK901849.00 (0.00)1.00 (0.00)0.00% (0.00%)100.00%0.00%2.00 (0.00)0.00 (0.00)1
MS-11843177.00 (228.72)1.00 (1.21)0.00% (57.22%)100.00%0.00%1.00 (1.62)0.00 (1.72)1
10TP34635697.00 (330.52)1.80 (1.18)60.00% (53.59%)40.00%0.00%2.40 (1.00)0.00 (1.22)5
AMX 4042843539.13 (296.56)0.13 (0.85)62.50% (55.12%)37.50%0.00%1.13 (0.81)0.00 (1.14)8
M3 Stuart31289351.50 (304.23)2.50 (2.13)50.00% (55.69%)50.00%0.00%0.17 (1.05)0.00 (1.62)6
P.43 bis627031166.92 (750.68)1.38 (1.02)54.05% (53.21%)43.24%2.70%1.30 (0.97)0.32 (0.71)37
Leichttraktor11980406.33 (272.23)1.67 (1.74)33.33% (57.60%)66.67%0.00%1.33 (1.65)0.00 (1.72)3
P.4352168717.83 (495.58)0.72 (1.09)50.00% (54.77%)44.44%5.56%0.94 (0.90)1.06 (0.88)18
LT vz. 3526744847.00 (253.18)1.00 (1.32)100.00% (56.08%)0.00%0.00%3.00 (1.19)0.00 (1.57)1
Carro d'assalto P.88717381128.47 (1038.52)0.80 (0.98)46.67% (53.46%)53.33%0.00%1.13 (0.89)1.27 (0.72)15
Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E33106794.67 (384.40)0.00 (1.80)66.67% (55.53%)33.33%0.00%1.33 (1.24)0.00 (1.25)3
M14/4122904654.00 (340.37)2.00 (0.95)100.00% (58.68%)0.00%0.00%1.00 (1.50)0.00 (1.68)1
Strv m/3827720950.00 (272.47)3.00 (1.33)100.00% (57.13%)0.00%0.00%3.00 (1.30)0.00 (1.46)1
StuG III Ausf. B42253738.50 (489.77)0.19 (0.77)56.25% (55.87%)43.75%0.00%1.75 (1.29)0.00 (1.22)16
Strv fm/21126136.00 (227.82)1.00 (1.25)100.00% (57.58%)0.00%0.00%0.00 (1.40)0.00 (1.42)1
Fiat 30001152991336.00 (251.34)3.00 (0.96)100.00% (57.53%)0.00%0.00%6.00 (1.58)0.00 (1.68)1
BT-224443667.75 (246.14)2.25 (1.72)75.00% (56.70%)25.00%0.00%1.50 (1.31)0.00 (1.48)4
AMX 3831856387.00 (305.19)0.00 (0.86)75.00% (54.45%)25.00%0.00%1.00 (1.01)0.00 (1.53)4
Patton the Tank9713959.70 (1433.44)0.70 (0.97)30.00% (52.09%)70.00%0.00%0.60 (0.80)0.00 (0.71)10
P26/4043162779.17 (474.03)1.17 (1.09)66.67% (55.24%)33.33%0.00%2.17 (1.13)0.00 (0.99)6
Strv m/40L31544409.00 (365.80)0.50 (1.33)50.00% (55.57%)50.00%0.00%1.50 (1.17)0.00 (1.62)2
M15/4232316658.75 (422.12)1.00 (1.13)50.00% (57.50%)50.00%0.00%1.50 (1.34)0.00 (1.49)4
M24E2 Super Chaffee61172596.00 (516.87)1.00 (2.46)0.00% (53.15%)100.00%0.00%0.00 (0.66)0.00 (0.67)1
Pz.Kpfw. II24288567.00 (291.22)3.00 (1.66)100.00% (57.08%)0.00%0.00%3.00 (1.42)0.00 (1.68)2
KV-152057902.30 (631.33)0.80 (0.86)50.00% (54.97%)50.00%0.00%0.90 (1.16)4.00 (1.10)10