Hi all,
Unfortunately, the time has come. During second half of 2025, the service wn8lab.com will be CLOSED!
We are currently closing the possibility of buying a premium account. All accounts will continue to function as usual and won't expire until the system shutdown.

This was over 10 years of an amazing adventure with World of Tanks and wn8lab.com. I'd like to thank everyone for their cooperation during these years.

Player: VxxKOZLAKxxV [IRISK]

General statistics

User id: User name: Damage per b.: Spot per b.: Winrate: Losserate: Drawrate: Frags per b.: Base Defense per b.: Battles: WN8:
eu-522180080VxxKOZLAKxxV1 121.110.8054.47%44.62%0.91%0.940.5618781449
Tank name: Tier: Tank WN8: Damage per b.: Spot per b.: Winrate: Losserate: Drawrate: Frags per b.: Base Defense per b.: Battles:
T110E31016002184.23 (2027.67)0.54 (0.67)55.90% (51.84%)41.54%2.56%0.96 (0.97)0.01 (0.43)195
Renault Otsu12610.00 (228.67)0.00 (1.11)100.00% (57.75%)0.00%0.00%0.00 (1.51)0.00 (1.81)1
T-50-261349455.00 (516.12)2.00 (3.09)100.00% (53.32%)0.00%0.00%1.00 (0.74)0.00 (0.77)1
Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f)3964358.48 (443.60)1.15 (1.36)51.85% (59.76%)44.44%3.70%0.89 (1.51)0.00 (1.63)27
T-109702910.00 (1500.30)0.56 (1.17)55.56% (50.40%)44.44%0.00%0.22 (0.86)0.00 (0.72)9
Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs4207120.86 (352.34)1.29 (2.57)42.86% (55.73%)57.14%0.00%0.57 (0.88)0.00 (1.16)7
T-1273740248.94 (350.01)0.97 (1.58)34.38% (55.37%)62.50%3.13%0.97 (1.44)0.28 (1.78)32
AMX 13 57 GF7454260.44 (708.39)0.78 (2.66)77.78% (52.13%)22.22%0.00%0.22 (0.79)0.00 (0.82)9
Durchbruchswagen 241008321.00 (452.59)0.80 (1.09)80.00% (55.73%)20.00%0.00%0.80 (1.23)0.00 (1.28)5
IS-3816651384.23 (1250.36)0.86 (1.01)52.74% (51.58%)45.57%1.69%0.89 (0.88)0.41 (0.82)237
8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger811141040.19 (1231.52)0.60 (0.77)53.33% (51.11%)46.00%0.67%0.56 (0.92)0.44 (1.09)150
Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f)41301498.79 (533.60)1.01 (1.56)52.78% (55.70%)47.22%0.00%1.42 (1.52)1.10 (1.61)108
KV-8561644898.96 (810.43)0.84 (1.05)55.37% (53.77%)44.63%0.00%0.94 (1.05)0.74 (0.80)121
T28811471163.51 (1339.46)0.40 (0.55)52.46% (52.55%)46.45%1.09%0.68 (0.97)0.30 (0.88)183
ARL 44621391035.50 (785.09)1.00 (0.92)25.00% (53.41%)75.00%0.00%1.50 (0.90)0.00 (0.87)4
M18 Hellcat61454788.29 (786.66)1.20 (1.23)60.00% (53.27%)40.00%0.00%0.78 (1.02)0.00 (1.19)45
T25/271334799.39 (969.61)0.83 (0.89)61.11% (53.15%)38.89%0.00%0.94 (0.94)1.67 (1.20)18
Valentine II41010296.50 (381.11)0.50 (1.46)100.00% (54.11%)0.00%0.00%0.50 (1.25)0.00 (1.71)2
T3 HMC227581.00 (277.15)1.00 (1.08)60.00% (56.88%)40.00%0.00%0.60 (1.86)0.00 (1.65)5
IS-6816041359.53 (1281.30)0.73 (1.09)57.14% (51.85%)42.24%0.62%1.00 (0.97)0.45 (0.81)322
T145720366.67 (625.84)0.67 (1.57)66.67% (55.87%)33.33%0.00%0.33 (1.24)0.00 (1.18)3
KV-1S61653738.61 (714.17)1.09 (1.27)57.59% (56.80%)42.02%0.39%1.33 (1.20)1.33 (0.99)257
Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer4747364.12 (495.15)0.65 (0.63)42.31% (55.98%)57.69%0.00%0.54 (1.40)0.00 (1.19)26
Type 646536288.83 (571.90)2.04 (2.68)52.17% (52.22%)47.83%0.00%0.22 (0.78)1.00 (0.81)23
IS713311011.01 (1016.30)0.74 (1.02)47.73% (53.44%)52.27%0.00%0.75 (0.99)0.80 (0.85)88