Hi all,
Unfortunately, the time has come. During second half of 2025, the service wn8lab.com will be CLOSED!
We are currently closing the possibility of buying a premium account. All accounts will continue to function as usual and won't expire until the system shutdown.
This was over 10 years of an amazing adventure with World of Tanks and wn8lab.com. I'd like to thank everyone for their cooperation during these years.
Unfortunately, the time has come. During second half of 2025, the service wn8lab.com will be CLOSED!
We are currently closing the possibility of buying a premium account. All accounts will continue to function as usual and won't expire until the system shutdown.
This was over 10 years of an amazing adventure with World of Tanks and wn8lab.com. I'd like to thank everyone for their cooperation during these years.
Risk It All! [IRISK] WN8: 2 200
Risk It All!
☆ ----------- Risk it all! ----------- ☆
☆TS3: 3iq.teamspeak.pl ☆
-> Oferujemy:
✔-Natarcia i potyczki na Twierdzy
✔-CW i Kampanie
✔-Codzienny Pakiet Rezerw Exp+Załoga <12-18> Kredyty+Wolny Exp <18-24>
✔ Kampania "Bogowie Wojny" 49 zdobytych czołgów
✔ Kampania "Manewry" 32 zdobytych czołgów
-> Wymagania:
☛ Powyżej 1800 WN8 z ostatnich 30 dni.
☛ Co najmniej trzy grywalne X drzewkowe ( Cs-63 / Obj.140 / Obj.277 / S.Conq ) 2000+ dpg
☛ Co najmniej jedna X specjalna ( Obj.260 / Obj.279(e) / Obj.907 / Chieftain ) 3000+ dpg
☛ Aktywność klanowa
☛ +16lat
▶Dyplomacja : IR__SqbaN_ /HellMrozu / Beatka__UwU / cod_bo_kal
▶ Rekrutacja : HellMrozu / Camyk / IndianaJack
Name: | WN8: | Position: | Winrate: | Joined at: |
Kobra_King_YT | 670 | Private | 42.46% | 2023/11/14 01:04:42 |
baby37 | 1 670 | Junior officer | 51.55% | 2022/09/16 11:17:14 |
_WotMan_ | 1 740 | Private | 53.26% | 2023/12/09 01:31:27 |
Homar227 | 1 840 | Recruitment officer | 53.91% | 2023/08/13 12:22:05 |
b_rafal | 487 | Recruit | 68.75% | 2024/07/13 08:03:05 |
_SniperElite__marksman | 896 | Private | 45.98% | 2024/04/23 14:59:57 |
Marcin_Sroka_2017 | 304 | Private | 44.69% | 2024/04/14 14:28:20 |
ZabojczyKartofel | 3 718 | Private | 62.16% | 2023/03/26 12:19:16 |
DarkgameXDPL | 629 | Recruit | 45.84% | 2024/06/27 15:49:17 |
luk135_iron | 396 | Recruit | 43.61% | 2024/06/24 19:20:05 |
Maciej_Mencweld | 466 | Recruit | 45.88% | 2024/07/23 12:29:36 |
flvbrt25 | 746 | Recruit | 45.69% | 2024/07/04 12:32:15 |
robinholec370 | 1 153 | Recruit | 52.31% | 2024/09/11 20:48:21 |
Bulka321 | 1 233 | Private | 49.56% | 2024/03/25 22:23:56 |
Patrycja_Brenda_24 | 128 | Recruit | 50.00% | 2024/07/19 10:19:08 |
Lighter_2003 | 2 435 | Private | 56.35% | 2024/04/21 11:49:01 |
Derst14 | 1 826 | Private | 53.17% | 2023/09/08 23:32:45 |
mati94z | 2 382 | Junior officer | 58.85% | 2023/06/25 20:09:30 |
2be_the_greatest | 2 787 | Recruit | 59.16% | 2024/11/04 23:21:26 |
SmutneKakao | 1 876 | Junior officer | 52.98% | 2022/08/07 10:32:41 |
I3lackDragon | 2 356 | Private | 56.87% | 2023/08/11 13:47:37 |
PapierowyBaron | 2 040 | Private | 54.05% | 2023/08/14 16:53:33 |
F3AR_RAUM | 2 172 | Private | 53.76% | 2023/08/10 21:28:43 |
acolt | 420 | Recruit | 45.51% | 2024/07/08 21:28:33 |
oloyedlina2 | 1 278 | Recruit | 55.53% | 2024/06/22 22:37:35 |
papatojony | 1 650 | Recruit | 53.26% | 2024/06/03 03:10:05 |
adrwot2020nr2 | 1 864 | Private | 52.80% | 2024/04/27 20:53:51 |
lotas1991 | 1 399 | Recruitment officer | 51.02% | 2024/04/05 22:41:12 |
DzikiDzik_UA | 2 747 | Recruit | 52.17% | 2024/07/17 23:00:38 |
Odeg44 | 504 | Private | 46.15% | 2023/12/04 17:35:38 |
KrakersChilluje | 1 699 | Private | 52.18% | 2023/08/06 13:58:56 |
kulikk17 | 1 844 | Private | 52.68% | 2024/05/02 09:19:45 |
AMB3RL1FE | 2 126 | Junior officer | 56.84% | 2023/06/22 22:18:18 |
J4NU5Z_0DD4_RyZ | 1 103 | Private | 49.10% | 2024/03/13 20:31:33 |
402dmg | 2 576 | Recruit | 58.71% | 2024/07/14 15:22:55 |
Marek_834 | 1 790 | Private | 52.22% | 2024/04/19 09:32:19 |
hropek_O | 957 | Private | 48.97% | 2024/04/22 18:24:29 |
BrutallMMz | 2 569 | Private | 56.17% | 2023/07/31 20:18:28 |
_Zelmer123_ | 950 | Recruit | 48.70% | 2024/06/25 11:56:22 |
OneStyle2115 | 619 | Private | 46.16% | 2024/04/21 23:06:14 |
dzikusek_is_great_again | 2 420 | Recruit | 57.55% | 2024/05/10 14:27:31 |
SkubaNR_ | 2 305 | Commander | 55.91% | 2023/09/05 16:46:44 |
Bonszur2137 | 935 | Recruit | 45.84% | 2024/07/04 20:19:04 |
G_a_n_d_a_l_f_S_z_a_r_y | 2 035 | Private | 53.49% | 2023/07/08 13:42:43 |
mrcszyman | 2 813 | Junior officer | 59.78% | 2023/02/01 20:34:50 |
Macias03_ | 2 129 | Recruit | 59.09% | 2024/07/25 19:11:39 |
szeregowy_petarda_raz | 499 | Recruit | 47.64% | 2024/06/27 22:44:43 |
ORANGUTI | 734 | Recruit | 43.37% | 2024/06/30 16:25:18 |
Masioway | 1 113 | Recruit | 49.67% | 2024/06/15 13:30:20 |
AlfaXray80 | 1 615 | Private | 51.60% | 2024/04/24 22:04:18 |
kjandel_1 | 479 | Recruit | 46.21% | 2024/06/27 14:52:32 |
Lercio | 2 636 | Private | 59.28% | 2023/11/30 21:45:10 |
roskomat | 2 458 | Junior officer | 56.24% | 2023/03/30 22:18:11 |
Heniomin123 | 280 | Recruit | 43.47% | 2024/06/29 08:46:35 |
Makalo325 | 571 | Private | 46.44% | 2024/04/03 19:40:43 |
danek2020 | 2 629 | Private | 60.02% | 2024/03/22 00:50:39 |
VEGO_13 | 2 263 | Private | 56.40% | 2023/11/27 21:49:52 |
VxxKOZLAKxxV | 1 449 | Recruit | 54.47% | 2024/05/21 18:16:47 |
Paul1997K | 2 900 | Private | 59.67% | 2022/11/08 11:12:52 |
Wolverine_102 | 2 170 | Private | 57.20% | 2023/02/01 21:29:03 |
BMWICA | 1 128 | Recruit | 48.81% | 2024/06/30 17:31:46 |
Videus | 2 447 | Junior officer | 61.97% | 2023/02/01 21:29:40 |
osk197 | 686 | Recruit | 45.69% | 2024/07/04 12:31:54 |
mam_autyzm | 767 | Recruit | 47.73% | 2024/08/02 12:55:29 |
mdxd1112 | 915 | Recruit | 48.01% | 2024/07/10 10:31:17 |
PARTYZANT_2024 | 664 | Recruit | 45.62% | 2024/06/21 19:53:43 |
Wn8lab.com is a player created web service for World of Tanks. All rights
belong to the owner of the site. Wn8lab.com is not an official
website of Wargaming.net or any of its services.
World of Tanks is a trademark of Wargaming.net
Other projects:
Dance database: baza.taniec.dance
Real estate: mieszkanie.lodz.pl
World of Tanks is a trademark of Wargaming.net
Other projects:
Dance database: baza.taniec.dance
Real estate: mieszkanie.lodz.pl