Aspire [ASPR] WN8: 1 626
Pierwszą ofiarą wojny jest Prawda.
Wymagania do klanu:
]Ts3 + mikrofon
]Aktywności w grze kilka dni w tygodniu w godzinach 19-24
]min. recent wn8 powyżej średniej klanowej
]Chęć gry w bitwach klanowych
]Minimum dwa klanowo grywalne pojazdy X tieru z listy:
- T95/FV4201 Chieftain
- Obj. 279 (e)
- Kpz. 07 P(E)
- Object 907
- S. Conqueror
- 60TP
- Object 140
- Object 277
- Object 260
- CS-63
- IS-7
Jeśli chcesz wstąpić w nasze szeregi to wejdź na TS3: lub wyślij zgłoszenie
Name: | WN8: | Position: | Winrate: | Joined at: |
_MarciiN_ | 1 336 | Recruit | 49.90% | 2024/08/15 17:20:13 |
kajfasz89 | 1 484 | Private | 50.41% | 2024/04/29 21:15:47 |
Gumowy_Czolgista | 1 750 | Recruit | 52.00% | 2024/09/06 18:21:40 |
rysik84 | 1 548 | Private | 52.09% | 2024/08/26 13:50:52 |
Kabas86 | 1 401 | Private | 49.96% | 2023/12/28 19:14:12 |
JedzmyBigos | 1 430 | Recruit | 49.26% | 2024/09/13 09:47:06 |
Plemnik__Zaglady | 1 780 | Private | 52.48% | 2024/08/29 19:26:16 |
Dzidzius131274 | 1 491 | Recruit | 51.28% | 2024/09/03 20:40:10 |
kaziutwojmiszcz | 1 697 | Private | 52.52% | 2024/07/17 17:10:48 |
PoLsKa_WaLcZaCa_GoHard | 1 423 | Combat officer | 49.91% | 2023/09/05 18:06:30 |
Flippy_1312 | 2 084 | Private | 54.36% | 2024/03/23 13:20:36 |
damianblach20 | 1 366 | Private | 50.40% | 2024/04/22 22:36:48 |
dream150 | 1 573 | Private | 51.15% | 2024/05/11 22:07:24 |
Tomciu7413 | 1 668 | Junior officer | 52.22% | 2023/06/27 18:18:28 |
BrutusVi | 2 178 | Combat officer | 55.40% | 2024/05/20 19:57:34 |
bloodybucket | 1 522 | Private | 50.92% | 2024/06/26 18:47:42 |
katzon | 1 418 | Private | 49.62% | 2024/07/25 18:38:47 |
nobek_czolgista | 2 302 | Combat officer | 56.18% | 2024/05/20 19:58:09 |
346xp | 1 061 | Private | 47.48% | 2024/06/22 01:06:39 |
prepcioo | 1 750 | Private | 52.01% | 2024/06/20 16:13:47 |
NALESNIK_1981 | 1 332 | Private | 50.16% | 2023/11/28 18:52:01 |
Jacek19gg | 1 880 | Private | 53.16% | 2024/07/28 12:00:21 |
Jacobov | 2 337 | Executive officer | 55.41% | 2023/06/27 21:05:17 |
xKetra | 1 549 | Recruit | 51.22% | 2024/08/26 20:28:10 |
IR__SqbaN_ | 2 907 | Combat officer | 60.42% | 2024/07/19 22:13:51 |
_A_Q_Q_ | 2 389 | Private | 56.01% | 2024/07/01 21:02:31 |
amateus1985 | 1 054 | Junior officer | 48.52% | 2020/08/31 17:52:03 |
inter999 | 2 508 | Private | 58.65% | 2024/05/20 23:19:00 |
Bezwzglednyrzeznik | 2 526 | Private | 55.77% | 2023/11/13 19:55:02 |
pueskaskas | 1 482 | Commander | 50.73% | 2020/07/12 21:39:02 |
blindosprey | 1 497 | Junior officer | 51.05% | 2023/06/28 18:24:58 |
vena90 | 1 391 | Private | 49.82% | 2024/08/28 21:00:13 |
Abdullah_Kubraczek | 1 912 | Junior officer | 53.52% | 2024/06/20 21:43:26 |
PAPA_Dan629 | 2 494 | Recruit | 56.51% | 2024/09/13 22:28:06 |
AloesPl | 1 516 | Junior officer | 50.62% | 2023/07/03 18:10:19 |
Paulinka_98 | 1 734 | Private | 53.28% | 2024/07/19 22:13:11 |
lkoip | 1 219 | Recruit | 49.54% | 2024/09/02 20:48:29 |
limak90PL | 1 173 | Private | 49.93% | 2024/07/13 13:39:12 |
Gregor045 | 1 356 | Junior officer | 50.43% | 2021/06/30 19:56:03 |
Konikdemolka | 1 333 | Private | 50.77% | 2024/06/26 21:08:55 |
Alahin2013 | 1 477 | Private | 51.22% | 2024/04/14 10:30:48 |
Czuczzu | 1 250 | Private | 49.40% | 2024/07/12 14:46:53 |
carteus | 1 321 | Private | 49.35% | 2024/06/08 13:04:36 |
_Im_Error_ | 1 822 | Private | 51.80% | 2024/06/25 17:31:55 |
Mole1978 | 1 434 | Junior officer | 50.08% | 2023/07/07 22:50:19 |
urkenachalnik | 1 299 | Combat officer | 50.36% | 2024/06/10 20:32:16 |
_0_Michal_0_ | 1 697 | Junior officer | 53.16% | 2023/07/26 17:49:55 |
__CROVA__ | 1 454 | Private | 50.84% | 2024/07/09 21:37:21 |
XxXCiuPXxX | 1 957 | Recruit | 52.90% | 2024/09/02 20:10:52 |
kikusi | 1 305 | Private | 49.59% | 2024/08/05 19:38:19 |
Ciezki_Rozyeb | 1 354 | Recruitment officer | 50.88% | 2020/12/14 20:06:06 |
dzikiezelazko | 1 360 | Reservist | 51.74% | 2024/07/28 18:14:29 |
WIEZUS666 | 1 376 | Combat officer | 50.49% | 2023/07/02 11:36:51 |
LIOU22837 | 1 588 | Private | 52.05% | 2024/08/09 13:30:29 |
Izi_Rajtuza | 1 534 | Private | 51.36% | 2024/07/12 23:28:37 |
ZamszoweDildoLucyfera | 1 986 | Junior officer | 58.75% | 2023/07/09 19:13:52 |
Good_Vader | 1 502 | Private | 51.50% | 2024/06/30 17:32:58 |
Zabaweczka98 | 1 593 | Private | 50.75% | 2024/05/01 22:26:00 |
_FAJNY_ | 1 336 | Private | 50.05% | 2024/06/15 00:49:01 |
call_me_snikers | 1 784 | Reservist | 52.60% | 2024/08/28 16:42:37 |
Shrek_69 | 991 | Private | 46.89% | 2024/04/29 19:59:59 |
FromHeven | 1 285 | Private | 50.74% | 2024/05/02 16:35:52 |
Adam1238765_is_Legend | 1 321 | Executive officer | 50.64% | 2023/06/27 18:17:54 |
Radek_1987_ | 1 852 | Combat officer | 52.10% | 2024/08/02 20:33:28 |
Biore_Bucha420 | 1 248 | Private | 49.57% | 2024/08/11 18:52:18 |
Noxemo | 1 669 | Private | 52.58% | 2024/07/11 18:35:14 |
_Stuy8_ | 2 424 | Private | 56.33% | 2024/05/11 19:25:51 |
keegan07pl | 1 760 | Private | 52.69% | 2024/07/09 16:50:31 |
fafior73 | 1 526 | Private | 50.80% | 2024/07/11 20:48:08 |
Matjaax | 1 546 | Private | 51.48% | 2024/07/03 22:16:44 |
waldisofficial | 1 447 | Recruit | 51.20% | 2024/09/13 22:21:04 |
Askarii | 2 395 | Private | 55.96% | 2024/08/17 19:33:09 |
warchlak60 | 1 395 | Recruit | 50.28% | 2024/08/17 14:45:17 |
cod_bo_kal | 1 318 | Combat officer | 49.13% | 2023/10/14 21:59:23 |
OG_GREMLO_IS_LEGEND | 2 274 | Personnel officer | 56.48% | 2023/06/26 22:31:45 |
RysiubyPolska | 1 662 | Recruit | 51.83% | 2024/09/09 20:54:22 |
Rynenn | 1 538 | Personnel officer | 52.94% | 2023/10/22 15:53:12 |
Radek_479 | 1 292 | Private | 49.89% | 2024/07/23 20:12:03 |
Mori1199 | 2 216 | Private | 55.06% | 2024/08/18 21:49:49 |
LOGITECHK200 | 1 538 | Private | 51.96% | 2024/06/08 21:52:31 |
kodi79 | 1 468 | Private | 49.72% | 2024/04/06 23:03:49 |
ZaZiii | 1 278 | Private | 50.85% | 2024/08/03 21:22:39 |
anetka1212 | 1 755 | Private | 54.36% | 2024/08/25 18:54:39 |
ShutPL358 | 1 397 | Recruit | 49.41% | 2024/08/25 17:33:03 |
Page_ROZjebCA | 1 496 | Personnel officer | 50.90% | 2021/12/18 21:03:18 |
Szerszo | 1 606 | Private | 51.92% | 2024/08/09 21:31:28 |
Howardinio | 1 621 | Private | 51.78% | 2024/07/03 16:22:08 |
Mehoo_Bialy | 1 198 | Junior officer | 49.52% | 2023/07/05 17:00:43 |
RoHSi | 2 220 | Private | 56.30% | 2024/08/12 21:03:42 |
Rayann_PL | 1 658 | Junior officer | 51.56% | 2022/01/31 23:22:59 |
hubertman3 | 1 773 | Private | 54.54% | 2024/09/04 12:42:28 |
__BrAcIa__ | 1 446 | Junior officer | 50.22% | 2023/06/29 15:12:45 |
mniz | 1 429 | Junior officer | 51.18% | 2020/10/22 23:58:07 |
slaw102 | 1 493 | Private | 51.83% | 2024/08/05 14:43:02 |
NaczelnyTata | 1 980 | Private | 53.91% | 2024/08/02 22:25:28 |
Delik91 | 1 758 | Junior officer | 53.54% | 2021/11/07 23:01:26 |
ma7319k3 | 1 748 | Private | 51.45% | 2024/06/27 15:23:15 |
_SqBiN_ | 2 252 | Private | 55.65% | 2024/05/02 11:18:57 | is a player created web service for World of Tanks. All rights
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